该件标的为:靖康通宝。该件藏品,品相上乘,包浆自然温润,靖康通宝为宋朝发行钱币,铸币量少,所以存世量更为稀缺。近两年,由于我国加强了对文化产业的重视,导致艺术品的身价水涨船高。钱币作为收藏三大项之一,也是受到众多投资者和收藏爱好者的关注。银元由于其做工精细,发行量少而在钱币里脱颖而出。所以有投资爱好者和收藏者,建议入手该件藏品 .
The object of this piece is Jingkang Tongbao. The collection is of high quality and the pulp is naturally warm. Jingkang Tongbao issued coins for the Song Dynasty. The amount of coins is small, so the amount of coins remaining in the world is more scarce. In the past two years, as China has strengthened its attention to the cultural industry, the value of works of art has risen. As one of the three major collections, coins are also concerned by many investors and collection lovers. Silver dollar stands out in coins because of its fine workmanship and small circulation. Therefore, investment lovers and collectors suggest starting with the collection