该件标的为:双旗币。该件藏品保存完整,品相一流,圆周较为规整,表面的氧化和磨损程度较低,图案与文字清晰可见,开国纪念币双旗币十文,钱币正面图案中央为两面交叉的国旗,上方为中华民国4字,下面为开国纪念币,背面图案为稻穗组成的嘉禾纹,中央竖写“”””十文2字。此枚铜币保存完好,钱文、轮廓的清晰程度好,藏品虽经历了无穷岁月,但纹路依然清晰可见,上面的锈迹也见证了其历史的积淀,具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征,现存世量极少,具有很高的收藏和投资价值。近两年,由于我国加强了对文化产业的重视,导致艺术品的身价水涨船高。钱币作为收藏三大项之一,也是受到众多投资者和收藏爱好者的关注。所以有投资爱好者和收藏者,建议入手该件藏品 。
The object of this piece is: Double Flag coin. The coin is well preserved with first-class appearance, regular circumference, low degree of oxidation and wear on the surface, and clear patterns and characters. The coin has a double flag coin with ten characters. On the front of the coin, there are two crossed national flags in the center, four characters of the Republic of China on the top, Jiahe pattern of rice on the back, and two characters of "ten characters" in the center . This copper coin is well preserved, and its inscription and outline are clear. Although the collection has gone through endless years, its lines are still clear and visible, and the rust on it also witnesses its historical accumulation. It has very obvious historical transitional characteristics. There are very few coins in the world, so it has high collection and investment value. In the past two years, due to China's strengthened attention to the cultural industry, the value of art has gone up. As one of the three major items of collection, coins are also concerned by many investors and collectors. So there are investment enthusiasts and collectors, it is suggested to start with the collection.