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齐白石虾趣图(Qi Baishi Shrimp Fun Picture)




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该件标的为:齐白石虾趣图。该件作品保存完整,用墨精炼,笔锋苍劲有力,意境独特,画作的描摹也是栩栩如生。齐白石(1864年1月1日1957年9月16日),汉族,祖籍安徽宿州砀山,生于湖南长沙府湘潭(湖南湘潭)。名璜,字萍生,号白石、白石翁、老白,又号寄萍、老萍、借山翁、齐大、木居士、三百石印富翁,中国近现代书画家、书法篆刻家 ,其主要绘画作品有《墨虾》《牧牛图》《蛙声十里出山泉》《松柏高立图·篆书四言联》等,著有《借山吟馆诗草》《白石诗草》等诗集,出版有三卷本《齐白石作品选集》《齐白石山水画选》等画册。
The item is labeled as Qi Baishi Shrimp Fun Picture. This work is well preserved, refined with ink, vigorous and powerful strokes, unique artistic conception, and vivid depiction of the painting. Qi Baishi (January 1, 1864- September 16, 1957), Han ethnicity, with ancestral roots in Dangshan, Suzhou, Anhui Province, was born in Xiangtan, Changsha Prefecture, Hunan Province. Ming Huang, styled Pingsheng, also known as Baishi, Baishiweng, Laobai, Jiping, Laoping, Jieshan Weng, Qida, Mujushi, and Sanbaishi Yinfu, is a modern Chinese calligrapher, painter, and seal engraver. His main paintings include "Ink Shrimp", "Cattle Herding", "Frog Sound Ten Miles Out of Mountain Spring", "Pine and Cypress High Standing Picture · Seal Script Four Character Couplets", and he has written poetry collections such as "Jieshan Yinguan Poetry Grass" and "Baishi Poetry Grass". He has also published three volume collections of "Selected Works of Qi Baishi" and "Selected Landscape Paintings of Qi Baishi".
Qi Baishi became an apprentice carpenter in 1877 and switched to woodcarving the following year; In 1888, he abandoned chiseling to study painting and successively studied under Xiao Xiangxi, Wen Shaoke, Hu Qinyuan, Tan Pu, and others; In 1889, he studied poetry and prose under the guidance of poet and painter Chen Shaofan; In 1894, he was appointed as the president of the Longshan Poetry Society. In 1899, he studied poetry and prose under the guidance of the Confucian scholar and literary figure Wang Kaiyun; In 1902, traveled to Shaanxi, Beijing, Jiangxi, Guangdong, and Guangxi; In 1919, he settled in Beijing and began implementing reforms under the persuasion of Chen Shizeng; In 1926, he taught at the National Beijing Art School; In 1946, he held solo exhibitions in Nanjing and Shanghai and served as an honorary professor at the Beiping Art School; In 1949, he was elected as a member of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the All China Artists Association; In 1952, he was appointed as an honorary professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a research curator at the Central Museum of Culture and History, the chairman of the Beijing Chinese Painting Research Association, and the honorary president of the Beijing Chinese Painting Academy; In 1953, he was elected as the Chairman of the China Artists Association; In August 1954, he was elected as a deputy to the First National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China; In December 1955, he was elected as a corresponding academician of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the German Democratic Republic; In 1957, he served as the honorary president of the Beijing Chinese Academy of Painting. He passed away on September 16th in Beijing at the age of 93. His works are also highly regarded by collectors. Moreover, as one of the three major collections, calligraphy and painting collections have always received good market attention. In recent years, due to China's increased emphasis on the cultural industry, the value of artworks has skyrocketed, and rare artworks have a very high market popularity and transaction rate. Investing in art has also become the first choice for many investors. So whether from the perspective of collection or economic value, this collection is definitely worth buying



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