该件标的为:绿度母一千零八佛 尼泊尔手绘唐卡。该件作品保存完整,意境独特,细节的描摹也是栩栩如生。唐卡作为藏族文化的缩影,一直以来备受藏家喜爱。近年来,由于我国加大了对文化产业的重视,导致艺术品的身价水涨船高,珍稀的艺术品其市场热门度,成交率都非常不错。投资艺术品也成为众多投资者的第一选择。所以无论从收藏角度还是经济价值角度来看,该件藏品都十分值得入手
The subject of this piece is: Green Tara Thousand and Eight Buddhas Hand-painted thangkas from Nepal. The work is well preserved, the artistic conception is unique, and the details are vividly depicted. As the epitome of Tibetan culture, thangka has always been loved by collectors. In recent years, due to my country's increased emphasis on the cultural industry, the value of artworks has risen, and the market popularity and transaction rates of rare artworks are very good. Investing in art has also become the first choice of many investors. Therefore, from the perspective of collection and economic value, this collection is very worthwhile to start.